Thursday 14 July 2011

10 Basketball Skills You should Learn

Learning how to play basketball is learning its fundamentals. Here are those:

1. Dribbling - is important to penetrate to the hoop, move the ball across the court, get away from the defense, and find a good passing lane. There are different types of dribbles:

• change-of-pace,
• crossover dribble,
• behind the back,
• pull back dribble,
• low dribble,
• basic dribble,
• between the legs dribble

2. Passing - A good offensive attack requires good passing from players. This helps find an open man, to find a good shooter or to get away from a defender. There are several types of passes you need to learn:

• Overhead Pass
• Chest Pass
• Push Pass
• Baseball Pass
• Off-the-Dribble Pass
• Bounce Pass

3. Shooting - The object of the game is to win by scoring the most points. Therefore, improving the team's shooting is important to win a game. There are several ways to score in the game:

• Jump Shot
• Dunk
• Alley oop
• Free throw
• Layup
• Three-Point Shot
• Hook Shot

4. Rebounding - is essential to gain or regain possession after the shot. Usually, the team who has the most number of rebounds after the game has more shot attempts and chances to score.

5. Offense - is the only chance that the team has a shot at the basket and scoring. Playing a good offense requires coordination among players and individual skill to execute well plays.

6. Defense - To be able to get a chance to score and gain possession, the team should play good defense and try to stop their opponent from scoring. As said, "A good defense is a good offense."

7. Moves - There are different kinds of basketball moves that are important in executing both a good offense and a good defense. Moves are helpful in finding an open man, make a good shot or create an amazing play.

8. Violations - Knowing the kinds of basketball violations improves your game.

9. Assist - is given to a teammate to help him score easily. Thus is it important to find an open man on the court

10. Foul - is often an accidental contact made by the defender to his opponent or an aggressive move by the ball-handler towards his defender. However, a foul is also used as a strategy to stop the clock or to keep the shooting player from scoring easily. Learning how to use your fouls well is important in the game.

Source: saftillc sportflying pivotab Natural Breast Enhancement

9 Great Family Boating Activities

One of the most enjoyable outdoor activities that my family and I do during the summer is to go boating. Boating is a great way to bond with friends and family members. If you don’t own a boat you can easily rent one for day at one of your local marinas. There are several boats to choose from and many activities to participate in while on the water. Below are just a few of the great things you can spend your day doing while boating.

1. Relaxation – Many families will take an enjoyable stroll around the lake or river relaxing while spending time chatting with friends and family. Take a cooler and snacks and sit back and enjoy the peace that you can experience while floating on the water.

2. Fishing – Take your kids, grandkids friends and family out for a day of fishing. Not only will you have blast watching the young ones eyes light up when they catch a big one, but you will also be able to spend that quality time together that everyone deserves.

3. Swimming – You’ll find several boats that will dock at the sand bar or out in the middle of the lake. When you notice these boats sitting their you’ll see how much fun their having jumping off the side of the boat, or just floating in the water swimming. The kids seem to enjoy this more than anything else you can do on the boat.

4. Tubing – Here is my favorite activity on a boat. Take everyone out on the boat for a little tubing. This is a great activity for everyone. Watch the kids laugh and yell as they skim across the water on their favorite towable. There are many towables to choose from depending on your rider’s action level.

5. Water Skiing – It’s a great time to get out your skis and hit the water. Friend will love watching the experienced skiers as well as watching the beginners get up for the first time.

6. Kneeboarding – This ones a little easier than water skiing and kids will really enjoy the thrill of racing across the water. Watch out for those waves and be ready to splash in the water.

7. Fire Works – One of my favorite times of the summer is watching the fireworks over the lake while your sitting out on the boat. This can be one of the most spectacular views for watching fire works. Boating is a great way to enjoy the 4th of July weekend.

8. Wakeboarding – If you know how to water ski get ready for some wakeboarding action. You can have a blast trying out new stunts on a wakeboard. This is one of the most popular activities for young ones on the water.

9. Slalom Skiing – Kick away that other ski and use only one. This is for the more advanced skier, but friends and family will cheer you on as you make a big spray behind you while your slaloming.

This summer head to the water with your family and friends and enjoy your time together.

Source: publizone anigaiku pureglassmarketing offtopix

7 Grilling Tips Beyond The Summer Months

Grilling is fun to do all summer long. You love to get out there and soak in the sun while making some great tasting food in the process. But, for many, as soon as the leaves begin to fall, it's time to pack up the grill until next year. Why do this when this tool can be used all year round to produce wonderful, and healthy foods?

Here are 7 things you need to know about grilling.

1. It happens all year round. Face it; there is no real reason to put the grill away. Do you have a covered patio or a spot in the garage to set it up? If so, then do so. Keep the tank full and grill away. The grill will supply you with heat if it is really cold outside.

2. The flavor can be even better. throughout the winter season, many people eat more hearty foods. And, because of this, it can often be duller tasting foods. If you love the taste of flamed cooked foods, youll love them even more during the winter season.

3. CautionCaution. You should keep the lid of the grill blocking any fierce wind that is coming in. And, you should always keep the top of the grilled closed to insure a clean location to cook. Just as you would within the duration of the summer season, make sure to keep the grill clean and well stocked to insure that when you want to grill it's available to you.

4. Winter Veggies. Winter time vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, squashes and others are fantastic on the grill. Take a few moments to clean and prep them, cover with olive oil or a light spray of butter and grill away. This is a great way to affordably eat in season veggies with the taste of the grill on them.

5. Potatoes on the grill. One of the most eaten foods during cold winter time cycles are potatoes. If you love them, make them and cook them on your grill. Cut up and place inside of a tin foil wrapper, season and grill till you get blue in the face.

6. Smoke Away. Smoking ribs or steaks on the grill throughout winter is an astronomical way to enhance their flavor. Just keep the lid at a low level and regulate the temperature. There is no reason not to love it. In fact, when Super Bowl Sunday roles around, your place will be the place to be to enjoy superior foods.

7. Fruits And Dessert. Fruits on the grill make a top notch dessert too. What a better way to get in some healthy foods that are full of flavor? Just slice, coat with a little butter and grill away.

Grilling throughout the winter or fall season does mean that you should take supplementary precautions. Youll want to insure that everything remains clean and if possible store the grill in the garage or other indoor area too keep from debris blowing in.

And, when you do cook out there, be careful not to burn yourself as well. Other than that, there is no decent rationale why your grill should not be burning today.

Source: inversiontableforums uiscan ohwait nomnom

7 Areas in Improving Your Basketball Game

Becoming a better basketball player doesn't happen over night. It involves serious work, discipline, dedication, and the love of the game to become the player you want to be. So to help you out on your way to become a better basketball player in the future, here are 7 areas you need to improve:

Speed and agility - There are many exercises you can do to improve your speed and agility. One of the most effective is the "suicide". Start at the base line and sprint towards the free throw line, touch the floor and go back. Sprint and touch the mid-court line and back. Sprint and touch to the farthest free throw line and back. Sprint and touch the opposite base line and back. Do this several times and will definitely improve your speed. You can also use other sprint training techniques.

Jumping - Improving the strength and power of your legs will improve your vertical jump. Do squats, step ups, and lunges. Jumping and hopping drills are effective as well.

Strength - Weight lifting is an effective tool to become strong and increase muscle mass. If you play the position of forward and center, you definitely need to improve in this area.

Stamina - Stamina training such as road running is effective to build up the heart to go to distance during the game.

Dribbling - This skill can be improved by using different dribbling techniques and drills. There are 3 dibbling techniques: natural dribble or relaxed dribble, control dribble or dribbling low to maintain possession under a defensive pressure, and speed dribble or dribbling at a maximum speed. Different drills include up the ladder, squeeze the bananna, ball slap, rhythm drill, drop step, pass and catch, hot potato, sit dribbling, spider, dribble 8, figure 8, one leg, ball drop, and around the world. These drills aren't only applicable to ball-handlers. They apply to all positions to increase ball handling capability.

Shooting - Improving your shooting skills involves correct jump, body form and power. This can be improved by constant practice. Shooting the ball for several times using one form increases the chances of making the shot. Bottom line is, if you want to improve your shooting you should practice, practice, and practice some more.

Defense - Improving your defense is as important as improving your shooting and dribbling ability. There are different ways to do this: cone drills, stadium stairs, defensive slides, and jumping rope.

Source: thedreadpiratesguild spectrumhtc thclist webege

6 Steps To Buying The Right Snowboard Boots

One of the most important pieces of equipment of snowboarding is your snowboard boots. They are your connection to the snowboard, by not spending time in finding the right boots; you can ruin your snowboarding experience. some quick tips for buying boots.

Should I buy Step in or Strap in boots...

The first decision is if you want the traditional strap-in boots or the newer step-in boots. If you decide to go for the step-in boots you will have to buy the bindings and boots together, this is because the strap-in boots will not work with the step-in binding. The trend at the moment seems to be softer boots with strap-in bindings.

the fit of the boots...

No matter how much you have to spend on boots it is very important that you take time finding the best fitting boots. If you buy boots that are comfortable in the shop you will find aching feet on the slope. So find boots that are snug. Remember be patient. Different brands of boots suit different types of feet. So go forth and find your boots.

Trying On Boots...
Here are a few things to remember when trying on your boots. Firstly wear proper socks. Put on a boot and push your heel into the back of the boot to make sure that your foot is secure. Then tie the boots laces tight but not too tight. Then close the outer lining of the boot, repeat the process with the other boot. Attach the bindings and stand up. Notice how secure your feet are, move forwards and backwards making sure there is no rubbing that may cause you discomfort later on.

heel lift...
Heel Lift is when you lean forward in your boots and your heel lifts and not your snowboard. But this will be minimized if you find the best boots for your feet.

Inner Boots...
There are many advantages of having inner boots or lining, usually the inner boots can be laced like the outer boots, and they provide a little extra stability on the slope. You can take the inner boot out to dry after a long day snowboarding.

Some Boots have additional features...
As you search for the perfect pair of boots you will notice that as the price for boots goes higher with the features. For example air-pumps. All you must remember is that these features are useless if the boots don?t fit you in the first place.

Source: taraslone zeekafridi unlimited rc spotthenight

5 Card Stud Internet Poker Explained

To begin the game an ante is first placed on the table by every player. Remember, usually the amount is only a fraction of a bet that is set by the card room. The dealer then deals 2 cards - 1 hole card and 1 door card - starting with the player on their left and continuing clockwise round the table. The player who has the lowest card showing on the table must place the bring-in bet, which is equal to half of the lower level bet.

In the first betting round each player, with the possible exception of the bring-in player who has already contributed the bring-in amount, may either choose to fold (quit the game), call (meet the bet) or raise, increasing the bring-in to a full bet. If players still left in the round choose to only call the bring-in amount, then the player who originally contributed the bring-in is the only player who has the option to check their own amount.

During the second betting round, the game really starts to take shape as each player is dealt one more door card. Now with 2 cards showing, players have a better idea of not only the potential of their own hand, but also what winning advantages their other opponents have.

Strategies begin taking effect as the player with the highest card value begins the round of betting. The highest card value includes all cards exposed, and could consist of the highest card, pair and so on. If in the event two hands prove to be of equal value, the betting is then commenced by the player who is the closet to the dealer's left.

The player with the highest showing hand begins the betting round, and they may either check, fold or raise. If this player chooses to check or fold, the remaining players, following clockwise from that players left may check until a raise has been made.

The dealer deals a 3rd door card to each player, and the excitement continues its climb, as each players exposed hand reveals more details to their opponents at what potential their hidden card could have.

Then the final round of betting where the last door card is dealt by the dealer, giving players a pretty good idea if luck has run out for them or their opponents, or if they have instead hit the jackpot, is performed.

Finally, the single hole card and 4 door cards of the remaining players are revealed as each player left in the hand show their cards, beginning with the last player to bet and continuing in that pattern. During the showdown players may also choose to “muck” (fold out of the game, without showing their cards) their hand. The winner naturally takes the pot.

If in the event, a player wins by default, which means that every other player in the hand folded, no showdown will occur.

Source: priacash conbravo utopiasoftware screenplaysolutions

3 Striking Facts about Bowling for Soup

Since its inception, bowling has consistently obtained and retained its recognition in the sports category. In the United States alone, there are 50 million people that participate in the sport.

Because of its extreme popularity, the fascination for bowling has reached all classes of society, including musicians. Yes, the concept of bowling is so popular that even musicians or band members have used bowling terms when naming their bands. Bowling for Soup coined their band name from the sport.

Bowling for Soup is an all-male band that engages in "pop-punk" music. Originally from Wichita Falls, Texas; this band was recognized for its hit singles like "Girl All the Bad Guys Want" that was released in 2002. Their newest hits were "Almost" and "1985."

The band's popularity soars as they continue to create songs that are widely accepted by the "pre-teen" group.

For those who are not yet familiar with the band, here are five amazing facts:

1. The band got its name from "Bowling for Shit," a routine from Steve Martin's comedy album, "Wild and Crazy Guy," that was released in 1978.

2. They are known as "musical heavyweights" and drunk-rockers. But all of that changed when they were nominated for the 2003 Grammy Award for their category, "Best Performance Pop, By a Duo or Group."

Since then, they are no longer known as the "fat guys" from Texas. After the Grammy's, they now acclaim themselves as the "Grammy-nominated fat guys from Texas."

3. Their name has nothing to do with the sport of bowling, but they do bowl; they are not "true-blue bowlers" which is what they call themselves. Jaret Riddick, the band's lead vocalist and lead guitarist has stated that they play "badly" when it comes to bowling. They participated in a bowling event known as a "Bowl-a-thon," where Chris Burney, their bassist and vocalist, was able to score a "scorching" 70.

On the other hand, the term "soup" has nothing to do with edible soup either - the fact is that Riddick admitted that he is not a "soup eater."

Given all of the above, this band has made a great impact on the entertainment scene. They are very popular even if they are not into the sport of bowling. Whether it has been a strike or a spare, they have hit their way to fame.

Source: shadowtraders r3vclan eloxoph myscribeweb

3 Popular Wreck Diving Sites in Britain

While the mention of scuba diving generally brings to mind the image of some exotic tropical dive locale, the United Kingdom has a number of exciting dive spots just waiting to be explored by divers like you. If you have no issues with cold water diving, the following destinations will leave you breathless. Or something like that…

One of the best dive sites in the U.K. is located in Scotland, in the Sound of Mull. The Sound of Mull is located between the Isle of Mull and the Morven Peninsula. It is an extremely popular destination for U.K. divers because it offers an unparalleled range of diving in very reasonable conditions. The area is cursed with bad weather, which has resulted in countless shipwrecks over the years. Most dives in the area are launched from Tobermory, Lochaline, or Oban. The Hispania is, by far, one of the most popular wrecks in the area, due to the fact that it is still relatively intact and awash in marine life. It is shallow enough to get a good long dive, and visibility is generally very good.

Another phenomenal dive spot is located on the south coast of England, in the waters of Sussex. The Alaunia, a steamship sunk by a German mine in 1916, is one of the more popular diving destinations on the south coast. Although the wreck is considerably broken up, there are still significant parts of the ship left intact. Be on the lookout for a series of portholes to help navigate the site. If you can manage to find the bridge area, you will undoubtedly be pleased to find the anchor still hanging from its chain. The size of the wreck is overwhelming to some degree, and it would take a few separate dives to explore the entire ship. Shoals of bib, spider crabs, and massive lobsters are sure to keep you entertained. See if you can spot a dead man's fingers while you are down there.

Another extremely popular dive is located near Plymouth, where the wreck of the steamship Maine found its final resting place. It can be found approximately a mile off Bolt Head. It was highly noticeable for a number of years, as the masts of the ship broke the surface of the water. The wreck has since been cleared of its mast, with most of the debris swept to its port side. It rests in water that is approximately 30 meters deep. The ship was torpedoed in March of 1917 and, after a noble rescue effort, came to rest in waters within easy reach from Salcombe. While this would be an amazing exploration for any diver, it is not recommended for novice divers due to the strong current. There is a good representation of undersea life, and this destination is sure please anyone who visits.

Source: nlideas td soft assyrian4all theadamgaskins

3 Little Known Tips Of Basketball Hoop Shopping

I've got a confession to make. I play basketball. I play it very poorly and can't make very many of the shots that I shoot at the basketball hoop. I have a feeling that I am not alone in the world at being a rather poor basketball player. However, one thing that I'm not bad at is comparison shopping. I've mastered the ancient art of comparing prices between merchants and can usually ferret out a fairly good deal with a little bit of leg work. Basketball hoops are no different than other items when it comes to shopping for them. There are some tips you should know before embarking on your journey to shop for a basketball hoop.

1)New or Used. You really might consider buying a used basketball hoop if you are interested in value. However, make sure you are buying one that hasn't been banged up too bad. Years of basketball practice can only make your rim bent and dirty. Ebay can be a great place to buy used equipment and basketball hoops are regularly for sale on Ebay.

2)Do your homework by comparing different merchant offers on different search engines and different websites. Just because something is advertised for sale on Google doesn't mean its also advertised for sale on Yahoo. Some merchants advertise their good strictly through the Amazon partners program and don't do any other advertising anywhere else. Price vary drastically and the only way you will know that you are getting a good deal is to examine what the different people are selling the same goods for on different websites. Basketball hoops are no exception.

3)Learn about the different types and styles of basketball hoops. Without the knowledge of what you are buying, points #1 and #2 are nearly worthless. Buy your hoop the right way and get a great deal on one by being an informed consumer. Learn how to buy a basketball hoop and you can guarantee that you got a better deal than everyone else.

Source: conbravo colony wars believeitanime tennismanager

Wednesday 13 July 2011

3 Key Lessons to Improve Your Rebounding Skill

There are 2 occasions where you can get the ball off the bounce: when you are on the offense and when you are on the defense. Either way, you need to learn these lessons to become an overall rebounder of your team:

1. Rebounding is making the right body position.

Your coach always yells "rebound!" and you are getting sick of it because no matter how high you jump, your opponent is still able to grab the ball away from you. If this is your problem, then you might not be placing yourself in the right rebounding position. Remember this: rebounding doesn't start when you get the ball on its way down, it starts on the ground. Thus, knowing where to place your body to get the perfect position is one key to grabbing the ball. (I say one key because you have to understand the second lesson.)

The ideal position is placing your body between your opponent and the ball. Take note that not all rebounds come from the rim or the board, so positioning your body between the opponent and the basket isn't always possible.

2. Rebounding is anticipating where the ball will land.

You know the right position but it is useless if you don't know how to anticipate where the ball is going to go. This requires common sense. For example, if the ball is taken in the perimeter, it is likely that the ball will bounce off strong. A short shot may yield an opposite result. What you should do is to always put your eye on the ball and the moment the player taking the shot. Predict where the ball will land and position yourself right away taking into consideration lesson number 1. Take note that you can't always guess the position of where the ball will land but knowing this will increase your chances of placing yourself in the right position to get the rebound.

3. Rebounding is all about attitude.

As said by many, rebounding isn't about who jumps high or who stands tall; it is about who wants the ball more. This is the third lesson you have to learn. The attitude is all it takes to become a good rebounder. You may know how to position before rebounding and you may know how to anticipate where the ball will land, but if you don't want it, you won't get it.

Know the right position, anticipate where the ball will land, and wanting the ball more are the 3 main factors to become a good rebounder. Learn these and you'll be controlling the board.

Source: cyberlistserver priyo calusablueway priacash

3 Health Benefits of Bowling: Tone Those Muscles and Make a Strike!

Among the many sports that man has ever played, perhaps, bowling is the most popular among all. With over 50 million players in the United States alone, bowling is definitely one sport that is a cut above the rest.

Among the many reasons this particular sport has remained at top of is the fact that it is a highly flexible sport. It promotes easy adjustment methods that are why many children and adults alike can take part in this remarkable game.

About 95% of bowlers consider bowling as a sport that can be exploited as a recreation, a form of relaxation, a societal factor, and a competitive nature as far as sportsmanship is concerned.

The simplicity of the game contributes to its adaptability. Because its rules are easier to understand, more and more people are engaging in this sport, not because of competition but basically because they want to enjoy the time with their friends or family.

With all these advantages, many people are still not aware of the health benefits that bowling can provide. They just thought that the activity could promote physical vigor and it stopped there. What they do not know is that the health benefits of bowling is more than just building stamina and releasing energy.

So for those who are not yet aware of these benefits, here is a list that you should know:

1. Promotes good muscle exercises

Merely walking along the lane, while attempting to make a strike or a spare, is enough to exercise the muscles in your legs. It resembles that of the "walking exercise" that most health buffs do; the only difference is that there is more weight involved. This is because in bowling, your hands are holding the bowling ball.

Consequently, as you swing around to hit the pins, the flexing and stretching provides adequate exercise for your tendons, joints, ligaments, and muscles in the arms.

2. Fat burning

As your muscles flex, turn, and twist in every swinging motion that you make while playing bowling, these moves can actually promote the burning of some accumulated body fat.

3. Builds friendships

One of the health benefits that can be derived in bowling is based on the kind of relationship that is being built with your friends or family. As some psychologists contend, building social relationships can actually promote better performance of the heart muscles. Emotional stress can shorten the lifespan of an average person.

Indeed, there can be no better or enjoyable way to live a healthy life than bowling can.

Source: marketingtribune nieuws sydneystormchasers sydneystormchasers comment frobba

3 Bowling Techniques to Make a Strike or Spare

It is a strike, when all of the pins are knocked down "on the first ball of a frame."

Every bowler would like to hit a strike and score big to win with this action, but it is not merely a stroke of luck. Bowlers who want to make it big by hitting strikes more often than not have to work at it.

Like in any sport, great action comes in small packages, where the attention is focused on the techniques learned and used by that player. It is important for every player to know how to hone his or her skills to win the game.

So for those who wish to make a strike or a spare in order to win a match, here are three bowling techniques that they can use:

1. Spinner

This technique refers to the way of delivering a shot with the intention that no more than a minor part of the ball touches contacts the lane. This technique promotes less friction between the ball and the lane, not considering the "oiling pattern" of that lane. As a result the ball glides practically in a straight line down the lane.

Experts contend, however, that this kind of shot is not very successful in that it does not attempt to take full advantage of the dragging the power of the bowler.

2. Stroker

With this kind of technique, the bowler relies more on precision than strength. This technique is characterized by employing the "by the book" style of playing that entails the proper execution of even movements, keeping square shoulders to the target all the way through the release of the ball, and maintaining an on-time move at the "foul line."

This is the "classic" technique of most bowlers because it employs smooth and controlled movements and lessens the possibility of injuries.

3. Cranker

This is the kind of technique that is being employed by a bowler who relies more on his strength to deliver a good shot rather than accuracy. It is like 'hitting hard' when a bowler uses this technique.

The skill involves more adrenaline that constitutes the bowler's drive to win.

Usually, crankers use "late timing", they do not slide, attempt to get to the "foul line" earlier than the ball, and they bend their elbows to keep their hands at the back and beneath the ball.

There are no perfect techniques, but there is a particular technique for every player. The important thing is to create a strike or even a spare.

Source: suckful suckful rss boostherbs marketingtribune

1,000 Victories and a Place in the Yankee’s History Book

Before 1996 season nobody figured a long term relationship between the Yankees and Joe Torre. Torre got his 1,000th win as Yankees manager, with Hideki Matsui hitting a three-run homer in an 8-5 victory over the Texas Rangers on Sunday that stretched New York's winning streak to a season-high five games.

Torre has a 1,000-645 record with New York, before him we find Joe McCarthy (1,460), Casey Stengel (1,149) and Miller Huggins (1,067). Torre has the longest uninterrupted term among Yankees managers since Stengel from 1949-60. Yankees owner George Steinbrenner and all Yankee fans should be proud of him for the decisions he is making are the right moves and he is a true leader to he team.

Players credit Torre for his even-tempered disposition and ability to handle different personalities, besides he has done just about everything that needed to be done to get the organization back to where it should be.

Torre's road to a thousand Yankees victories has been glorious at times, with six pennants and four World Series titles. Well 1,000 victories are a lot of wins, especially when you sign a two-year contract back in '96 and think about what's happened since then. The Yankee history book is a special place to be for Joe Torre and very well deserved one.

Source: jadoyc talkingpointsmemo zeblog startranking